Luxury Japan tour description

Travel copywriting samples

Here you’ll find a description of a luxury tour of Japan. Customer type: Discerning, high-end, luxury travellers Want every last detail taken care of to the highest standards Like to feel sophisticated and high-end Stay in 5-star accommodation and fly in business or first class Not big on social media Read Condé Nast Traveler Want […]

Japan tour description for intrepid baby boomers

Travel copywriting samples

Here you’ll find a description of a tour of Japan for baby boomers. Customer type: Baby boomers Typically have more disposable income Interested in ticking places off the bucket list They care about comfort, but not necessarily luxury They prefer to read a printed version of their detailed itinerary Facts and details are important They […]

Japan tour description for adventure travellers

Travel copywriting samples

Here you’ll find a description of a Japan tour for adventure travellers. Customer type: adventure travellers and digital nomads Typically millennials Want adventure and cultural immersion Prefer authentic experiences Don’t read too much, prefer visuals Use instagram and possibly TikTok One-of-a-kind experiences in the Land of the Rising Sun Lose yourself among Tokyo’s bustling streets, […]