7 actionable tips to create travel content that’s unique

Travel copywriting tips

In this post, I’ll share 7 tips I’ve learned over my years as a travel copywriter about writing unique content. Becasue after 30+ years of the internet, is anything ‘unique’ these days? That’s especially true for something like travel copywriting. Articles about destinations are all too common, meaning you struggle to come up with unique […]

8 clever ways to use AI for copywriting and 5 serious watchouts you need to know

Travel copywriting tips

As a travel copywriter, I’m not against generative AI. Quite the opposite, in fact. Tools like ChatGPT are definitely useful for copy and content writing. I’ve been using them since they first came out, and here’s my experience of when to use ChatGPT for writing. Table of contents For research Instead of spending hours researching […]